Baby drinking milk on a sofa

Testing Out Similac Follow On Milk

10th November 2016

My gorgeous niece is now 6 months old and I’ve already got her testing products for this blog!

Like her brother and my son, breastfeeding was attempted but just did not work.

There seems to be something in our genes, as my mother, sister and I have been unable to produce enough milk to breastfeed so formula has been used by all of us.

Testing Out Similac Follow On Milk

Similac have created a new Follow On Milk for babies aged 6 to 12 months and it’s different from many of the other formulas out there, because it’s palm oil free, vegetarian friendly and suitable for Halal and Kosher diets.

They also have a Growing Up Milk for children aged 12 – 36 months.

Here’s how my niece found the Follow On Milk:
Taste Test
She noticed it wasn’t the previous formula she was on, but it didn’t stop her from finishing the first bottle. This is important, because I know many mothers that try to change formula and their baby refuses to accept it.
If she had refused it my sister would have put small amount of it in the baby rice she is currently using for the weaning process, and any other pureed foods so she became more familiar with itPreparing It

Like most powder milks it’s easy to prepare. You just boil the water, use the scoop to measure out the exact amount of powder and then add both to a bottle. You don’t have to sterilise bottles once babies are six months old, but I chose to sterilise mine until my son was one years old, as it’s thought to be useful.

Testing Out Similac Follow On Milk
My Niece Testing Out Similac Follow On Milk


It’s simple, bold packaging and the crown makes it easy to identify in the long rows of milk brands.

The website features lots of helpful information about how to use it and the benefits of using it.

Reasons for Choosing Follow On Milk

When they hit the six month mark lots has already happened inside their brains and bodies, and I feel the follow-on milks give more specific and relevant nutrients to aid their continuing development.

Similac Follow On Milk contains the important nutrients and omega 3 & 6, vitamins A, C and D, as well as calcium and iron. These are essential for brain cognition and memory.

Even as an adult I try to take all of these to try to maintain my brain function for as long as possible.

I like that this brand has all of those vitamins and nutrients, in particular the omega 3 and 6, because it reassures me that my niece will get the best she can.

I find omega 3 in particular helps Chunk’s concentration and it shows by the amount he is learning and retaining from school already.

My Recommendation

I would use this brand and my sister is happy with how Cheeky has taken to it.

I would recommend this to mums who for whatever reason do not breastfeed, and want to ensure their child is getting as much goodness as possible.

I have been sponsored by Similac to try their Follow On Milk/Growing Up Milk and write about it on my blog. All opinions are my own.

Important notice: Breastfeeding is best for babies and is
recommended for as long as possible during infancy. Breastfeeding provides many
benefits to both mother and baby. It is difficult to reverse the decision not
to breastfeed. We recommend that you speak to your healthcare professional for
advice on how to feed your baby.


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