My Hunt for Additive-Free Kid’s Shampoo…
Recently I found out how certain additives in food can affect children’s (and adult) behaviour/mood, and shockingly these same additives can be found in our toiletries.
I don’t want to waste all the effort I’m making to ensure my son isn’t getting these additives in his food by giving him these same chemicals when bathing him!
I’m HORRIFIED by how many shampoos, shower gels and conditioners have either (or both) sodium benzoate and SLS in their ingredients. And the worst thing? CHILDREN’S products have them in too!
I started by looking through all our toiletries and surprise surprise I had to bin his L’Oreal Kids shampoo and conditioner, and some Johnson’s bath bits. Two huge companies within the baby and child toiletries industry, so I am not a happy bunny!
Thankfully my son’s eczema means he only ever uses eczema creams and oils for bathing, but he still needs shampoo and conditioner.
I went into town and looked at a few shops, and every single product I looked at had one of those chemicals in- even the ‘organic’ and very expensive products tended to have the sodium benzoate in them.
I assumed I would easily find a product online, but OH NO. I was looking at companies across the world, and reading articles about child-friendly shampoos, and I trawled through many lists of ingredients on every single product.
After two weeks I was losing the will to live, and then thankfully found the company Green People.
Their ‘Lavender Burst Shampoo and Conditioner’ don’t contain SLS or Sodium Benzoate, and they are also suitable for children with eczema. HALLELUJAH!
I got in touch with the company and they kindly sent me some samples to try, as well as some ‘Itch Away’ shampoo for me to try, as I suffer from a dry scalp.
We have been using them for a few weeks now, and they are fab! My son hasn’t had any eczema reaction to the products, and they have a sweet, subtle smell. His hair feels clean and soft after use, and I’m itching a lot less!
So if you’re looking for SLS/SB free hair products, give them a try. They are not as cheap as I’m used to, with their RRP as £8.50 each, but on Amazon* they have been half price at times, so I’ve stocked up!
If you know of any other products that don’t have these additives in, please comment below so I can make a list on here.
*Contains an Amazon affiliate link, meaning I would possibly make a small commission if you buy through this link. For the purpose of this post, I was given these items to review. No payment was received for this post, and all opinions are honest and my own.
20th March 2014 at 1:08 pm
Great idea to keep the natural, additive free thing going through toiletries as well as food – it makes sense doesn't it?! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
20th March 2014 at 2:50 pm
This sounds fabulous, I have a little one with very dry skin too and finding the right products can be a problem. Will like Mini-U, which is very natural
I blogged about it – here is the link
Popping across from the ThankfulThursday linky.
Agata Pokutycka
20th March 2014 at 5:33 pm
Well done on finding what you were looking for. I must admit I never heard of this brand but I will give it a go… everything for the kids 🙂
20th March 2014 at 8:23 pm
I'm pretty sure we have tried this brand before. We liked it! Well done for sourcing it out! #ThankfulThursdays
Let’s Talk Mommy
21st March 2014 at 9:02 am
Thank you so much for sharing this. My kids have eczema badly so I can't use store bought shampoos and conditioners. I definitely will be checking these out. Thank you so much for joiing in Share With Me linky. I am loving your blog! #sharewithme
Green People
24th March 2014 at 10:33 am
Hi Jenny – you should definitely give our no nasty kids range a go! Especially our Baby Salve – it's fab for eczema! http://www.greenpeople.co.uk/blog/category/article-categories/mother-baby-child/
21st March 2014 at 10:12 am
I am having a problem with my son's skin. So dry =(
I will also try to source out products that wont hurt him and will probably try this brand =)
Coombe Mill – Fiona
21st March 2014 at 1:28 pm
I'm always looking for a non irritant shampoo, may be this will be the one
Lauren – Scrapbook Blog
21st March 2014 at 8:58 pm
Green People stuff is so amazing. We use the baby balm and the baby bath as well as the big people shampoo 🙂
22nd March 2014 at 5:53 am
Wow, I can't believe how hard it can be to find natural ingredients in shampoo! My youngest has really sensitive skin an exzcema so I may look into this more x x x
Eline @ Pasta & Patchwork
22nd March 2014 at 8:42 pm
Thanks for sharing this, it really is soul-destroyingly hard to find natural baby products! I'm a big fan of purepotions.co.uk. They only make a few products but they work incredibly well and don't contain these additives.
one frazzled mum
23rd March 2014 at 10:07 am
I haven't heard of these before but my niece has excema so this would be so good for her
Alice In Sheffield
23rd March 2014 at 10:39 am
I've just been trying out some green people products myself and am definitely a fan
23rd March 2014 at 4:14 pm
These products sound great. I know that Charlie from Mad Mummy Musings has her own shop – Sophias Choice – and she stocks some of these types of products – http://www.sophiaschoice.co.uk/bodycare-kids.html. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x
Green People
24th March 2014 at 11:04 am
Hello to everyone here! 🙂 Thank you to all our lovely customers and bloggers who are saying such lovely things about our products! You can find our products on our gorgeous new website and also we have a fantastic Beauty Hub with lots of articles about organic and natural skin care 🙂 http://www.greenpeople.co.uk/beauty-hub/
Jeannette Cripps
25th March 2014 at 7:40 pm
Thanks for linking up, really interesting research and article. My daughter has skin flair ups regularly and we've found Green People products very gentle for her. Thanks for linking up 🙂
Mrs Monkeyfeet
26th March 2014 at 7:24 pm
I've never even considered additives in toiletries! Great post thankyou
Thanks for linking up
The Grits Blog
26th March 2014 at 11:27 pm
So what's the issue with that ingredient??? I don't know a lot about that kind of stuff! AND I have a hair product addiction LOL – I am always buying a new shampoo or something. So let me know!
Kids Summer Activities on a Budget. Ideas for Hot and Cold Weather! – Single Parent Pessimist
10th March 2020 at 2:20 pm
[…] since learning more about what they can do which I wrote about not too long ago. I managed to find additive-free shampoo, and the same people (Green People) have now made a sun […]
11th October 2020 at 10:25 am
My 13yr old son has just been diagnosed with a rare condition called Orofacial Granulomatosis, (causes swelling of the face and lips) it’s thought the cause is an allergy to all benzoates. We were told to omit it from his diet but never even considered it would be in his toiletries. Had a shock to find it in 95%of the products he uses. He also suffers with dandruff and so now on a big mission to find a teenage boy suitable products for him to use.
Any recommendations greatly received.
29th June 2021 at 11:33 am
Hi, I love this shampoo but the ingredients changed in April 2021! I contacted the company and they confirmed this. Just want to let you know as I found it on your blog 🙂
Thanks for sharing in the first place – I found it really helpful. Jess