Category that features interviews with working single parents to look at the challenges and rewards they experience.
Single Parent Pessimist is 10 Years Old
Read moreLast week I got a calendar notification that said ’10 years of Single Parent Pessimist’ and nearly fainted. How can a decade fly by like that?!
My Fourth Thought of the Day for BBC Suffolk, Breakfast with Georgy Jamieson: Being a Single Parent
Read moreThis is the fourth and final thought of the day I recorded for BBC Suffolk Radio recently. The topic was lone parenting, a topic I know well! I talked about my experience of parenting my son alone for the eight years of his life so far. I included advice for new single parents, so I…
Single Parent Spotlight: Jo Blythe
Read moreThe aim of these interviews is to show how AMAZING working single parents are. I want to highlight how hard, but also how rewarding, being a working single parent is.