• Christmas Gift Ideas for Grandparents & Discounts!

    22nd November 2014

    Is it me, or are grandparents really difficult to find gifts for? I spent my childhood giving mundane gifts like socks, ties, chocolates and mugs to my grandparents and only now do I realise how boring that must have been for them! With this in mind, I’ve tried to find more creative, interesting gifts that…

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  • Competition: Win a Bah Humbugs’ Sweet Bucket

    21st November 2014

    Win a Sweet Bucket of your choice from Bah Humbugs just in time for Christmas! Check out the range of Sweet Buckets they do and if you fancy having one of these to add to a Christmas stocking enter the Rafflecopter form below! Bah Humbugs Sweet Buckets And if you cannot wait until the competition…

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