For many people lockdown is easing, and they’re now able to see people in their gardens for barbecues, visit parks and shops are soon to open again. But for others in vulnerable households, lockdown life is going to continue for a while longer.
School Holiday Activity Ideas
Read moreThis time last year I was struggling from what I like to call School Holiday Syndrome, but this year so far it seems to have been a lot more enjoyable. Now don’t get me wrong it’s not been a breeze at all, but I have tried to be a bit more creative in finding things…
6 Tips for Getting the Garden Ready for Summer
Read moreGardening doesn’t come naturally to me, so for those of you in the same boat I’ve got six tips for you when sorting out your garden for this summer. Hope they are of use! 1. Keep It Simple Don’t try to recreate the botanical gardens, stick with small, simple changes. It’s much easier to complete…
DIY / Upcycling: Sprucing Up The Garden With Plug Plants
Read moreI’m lucky enough to have a shared garden in the block of flats I live in, but I avoided it for the first three years as it was a mess and nobody seemed to want to take care of it. But in the last year there has been a few changes of neighbours and now…