International Womens Day 2021

#ChooseToChallenge: International Women’s Day 2021

8th March 2021

It’s International Women’s Day today, which at times is controversial.

Many times I’ve heard some men sarcastically ask when their day is (November, actually) but this day isn’t to make us seem above them.

It’s in fact to highlight our wish for gender equality.

Over 20 countries celebrate it, in Asia they even get a day off work in some areas!

This subject began being recognised in 1911 and became a holiday in the Soviet Union from 1917.

Since 1977 the United Nations has made it an important day focussed on women’s rights and world peace.

This year’s theme is Choose To Challenge, where we are encouraged to challenge something that aids gender bias and inequality.

I choose to challenge the mental health stigma, particularly for mothers, by continuing with the Instagram group I set up, Mental Health Mumday.

Two women holding hands amongst a field

Mental Health Mumday

I created the page with another fab mother, Kathryn, five months ago & it’s flourishing.

There’s a private DM group where mums can openly talk about their mental health and life in general, without judgment or negativity.

Every Monday we post on our grid with our hashtag (if we feel up to it) about our mental health or using inspiring quotes/ideas for self-care and support.

The group’s been amazing for me, because knowing people are there who understand and don’t judge, has helped me open up and seek support.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, as we vent, rant, laugh and cry too. It’s the most supportive space I’ve ever known.

I will continue to run this group as I believe we’re offering support. We’re also helping to break the stigma by talking openly about mental health.

Mental Health Mumday logo

Mums shouldn’t suffer in silence for fear of being judged as a parent or woman.

They should instead be supported, nurtured and given space to work through the stresses that parenting with mental health conditions can cause.

For too long mothers have kept their mental health to themselves, resulting in suffering more and for longer than needed.

It’s no good for them or their loved ones.

We deserve better.

If you want to join Mental Health Mumday, head over to my Instagram and send me a message.

Happy International Women’s Day, and feel free to tell me what you’re challenging this year below.

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