Kids Summer Recipes, Drink Ideas & Summerwear for Mum!
Summer Recipes
When you are feeling hot and you’re suffering from summertime lethargy, the last thing you want to do is spend ages in a stuffy, sweaty kitchen to cook a hot dinner!
I tend to eat healthier in summer, because I crave the cold, crisp salads, cold veggies with dips and when it’s a heatwave my appetite goes out the window! This week we have been having some great, easy summertime meals, including:
Pizza and salad
Jacket potato, cold veg and hummus
Chicken burgers, sweet potato and red pepper salad
My favourite one was veggie omelette that we called ‘eggy pizza’.
Omelettes are so quick and easy to do, and you can make them as thick or thin as you like- Chunk has them quite thick, because I cut them in triangles and call them pizza in a bid to get him to try them (yes he is in the neo-phobic phase so not wanting to eat things that look different to what he’s used to). Once we get past him trying it, it’s then usually plain sailing and he will gobble it all up and ask for seconds- at nursery he is always the first to finish and ask for a second helping, he must take after me!
Here is my Eggy Pizza Recipe:
4-6 eggs (depending how hungry you are)
Any veg you want to use up from the fridge or freezer
Grated cheese
Whisk the eggs with some milk, add the grated cheese and then put them in a pan on a medium heat along with some veg and spinach and then transfer to the grill when the bottom starts to come away from the pan.
Grill on a medium heat until the top has browned. Add any remaining grated cheese on top to serve.
Cut into triangles and then add salad and any sauce dips like ketchup or hummus on the side.
Chunk loves strips of cucumber, red pepper and carrots on the side, along with cherry tomatoes.
I used my brand new Green Earth Frying Pan to make this omelette, and was really impressed with how quick it cooked, and none of the omelette stuck to the pan (or burnt it) like it does when I usually make it (*cue embarrassed cough*).
The pan has an ultra-safe ceramic coating which has no nasty chemicals, and it is both non-stick and scratch resistant. The ceramic coating makes it SO easy to clean unlike many of my other, cheap pans!
And what have I been doing for dessert do you ask?
That’s even easier, I still use my Baby and Toddler Frozen Homemade Summer Treats, as they are basically made from anything I want to use up: Yoghurts, Fruit, Milk or even juice.
Summer Drinks
I don’t know about you, but I tend to drink gallons of tea during the winter, and then replace this for fizz and juices in the summer.
Fruit Juices and fizzy drinks are not that cheap compared to things like squash which lasts a lot longer, so I thought I would try a Soda Stream, as one little bottle of the fizz of your choice at between £2-£3 makes 12 litres of drink!
They have a huge range of flavours, including diet and full fat cokes/lemonades, energy drinks and even a naturals range which features fruit flavourings so that you can have fruity water instead.
I chose a white Soda Stream to match my kitchen, and I was surprised at how attractive it was- the silver metal made it look sleek and quite expensive, so it is not something I hide away in the cupboard like my tacky Wallace and Gromit sandwich toastie maker!
Thankfully it’s really simple to use too, as these days I don’t have the patience or energy for anything too technical; You literally fill the bottle up with water, click it into place on the machine, push the button until its as fizzy as you want it, and then add a capful of the soda you want to flavour it with. Easy or what?!
I got some fruit flavours for Chunk to try, as there are 3 fizz settings and due to his age I don’t want him having fizzy drinks, so he was able to have the first fizz setting which was so minimal you could hardly notice it, and he also tried the fruit flavourings in still water (strawberry was his favourite).
For me, I tried the low calorie cola, as well as some of the fruit juices. On a particularly sleep-deprived day I even tried the energy drink which worked a treat and tastes exactly like the very famous drink that gives you wings…
Chunk loves to help make it fizz by pressing the button, and I noticed today in the shop they have introduced some more new flavours, so I cannot wait to add those to my ever-expanding drinks collection- especially some of the tonics for some cocktails!
Due to my chunky size at the moment, the downside to summer for me is having to wear less clothes. I like skirts and dresses, but don’t like to wear them when my thighs are this fat due to chub rub. How sexy is that!!!
But thankfully I’ve found some ways to combat this and have actually been wearing some maxi dresses this week, can you believe it!?
If you want to see what’s helped my chub rub, visit my fashion and beauty blog here.
For the purpose of this post I was sent a Green Earth Frying Pan and Soda Stream system to test out. No payment was received for this post, and all opinions are honest and my own.
Tracy Nixon
9th July 2014 at 4:42 am
That eggy pizza recipe looks fab! Will have to try that one! Thanks!
8th December 2014 at 1:43 am
Eggy pizza sounds nice.