I’m overwhelmed by the private messages, Instagram DMs and emails I’ve received over the past two days after people read my post about how I’m currently holding on to life as best I can.
Holding On
Read moreYes it’s been a long time since I last posted. A lot has happened since last summer and to be honest I’ve not felt the urge to disclose it all for once in my life. As the title says, I’m just holding on.
Attempting To Get Some Self-Esteem
Read more2017 was one of the most awful years to date, so I’ve decided some changes need to be made as I don’t want to go through any of that again any time soon!
How I Manage Anxiety And Stress
Read moreStress… we all have it in different shapes and sizes, but as I’m getting older there seems to be a lot more of it so I’ve been looking at ways to control it.
Healthy Breakfast Ideas using Ready Brek
Read moreNow winter seems to have made an appearance, I’m trying to finding warm, healthy breakfasts to start the day. Porridge and warm Weetabix are my easy go-to choices, but my little boy can get bored. I’ve been looking at ways to spice breakfast up a bit without using sugary cereals.
Leaving Emotionally Abusive Relationship and Moving On
Read moreIt’s been a tough few months, which has included realising I was in an emotionally abusive relationship.
The Importance of Outdoor Play for Children
Read moreRecently I was shocked to find out there’s more than 1,000 children being referred to hospital due to obesity.
I’m Back… It’s Been a Busy Few Months!
Read moreIt’s been a manic few months of both great and really difficult times, and it’s sadly meant that I’ve neglected this blog.It’s been good to have a break from it in some ways, as I now feel refreshed and able to bore you with my rants, ideas and parenting highs and lows. Here’s a round-up…
The Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Read moreNational No Smoking Day has a long history in the UK, with the first ever event taking place back in 1983, on Ash Wednesday. Since then, the Day has taken place on the second Wednesday in March each year with the British Heart Foundation backing the idea since 2011.
My Weight Loss Journey- Back to the Gym
Read moreSince attempting to go sugar free this January I have managed to get a lot more energy back and signed up to a gym! I used to go to the gym before I had my son and it really helped me get fit and it also helped balance out my anxiety and depression (the endorphin…