So as you know, I’m slowly introducing potty training to my 15-month-old, and have found the perfect potty for home;- but what happens when we’re out and about? I have a vivid memory of me as a young child returning from holiday on a long car journey, desperately needing the toilet. My dad pulled over in a…
DIY: Toybox On A Budget
Read moreWho wants to see my latest cheap (but great) creation for my little boy? As you all know I’m on a very tight budget, but I refuse to let my son go without; I just have to think of creative ways to get things sometimes!
Potty Training: The Planning Stage & Picking the Perfect Potty
Read moreAlthough the time is not quite yet upon me for potty training to start, I’m aware of how painstakingly difficult it can be, so have started some of the process now! I’ve done a tiny bit of reading when I’ve had the odd 5 minutes (so you can imagine how little I’ve read!) and have…
#TAKEPART 2013 Family Day
Read moreSo it was yet another rainy morning on Saturday, and my two toddlers (my Chunk and his 2 year old cousin who I shall call Curly) were tearing about the place, desperate to be released into the big outdoors to release their pent-up energy. As soon as the weather started to clear at lunchtime, I…
Returning To Work After Maternity Leave #MakeItWork
Read moreI have written about returning to work after maternity leave as my first post for Gingerbread’s new blog: Make It Work. The blog was created by the single parent organisation to highlight the experiences of single parents that work. It covers some great issues that we face, but also helpful tips, humorous experiences and more. I decided…
Why I’ve Created This Blog & My Rant on USELESS FATHERS!
Read moreSome of you may recognise my rants, meltdowns, sarcasm or even occasionally crazy blog posts, and that is because I wrote ‘The Pregnant Pessimist’ blog last year throughout my rollercoaster of a pregnancy.