To celebrate the launch of the brand new Lion Guard toy collection from Flair, I’m hosting a Twitter party where you can win some great prizes! On 6th July 2016 from 1-3pm the online party will run on Twitter under the hashtag #LionGuardToys and you’re all invited to join me. Here’s Your Invite! Disney’s The…
Easter Crafts!
Read moreMy son and nephew have been very busy this week getting their craft on for Easter! They’ve made some rather cute Easter cards for their nannies, aunties and of course yours truly, and they’ve also dabbled with making bunny specs!
Competition: Win A Smarter Way To Potty Train Pack
Read moreWIN A ‘SMARTER WAY TO POTTY TRAIN’ PACK WORTH £24! Dry Like Me are the new, smarter way to potty train. The award-winning, handy little potty training pads turn all pants into potty training pants by adding an absorbent layer to give your little one extra confidence when learning to live without the nappy, and…
Toy Review: Animals Jigsaw & Sticker Book
Read moreThe Animals Jigsaw and Sticker Book by Little Tiger Kids is one of the new sets from the My Little World series aimed at 0-5 year olds and Chunk was lucky enough to test it out. The set consists of a large, bold and colourful floor puzzle which features lots of animals from the animal…
Toy Review: Alphablocks Giant Floor Puzzle
Read moreChunk has loved floor puzzles since he was given his very first one to review nearly a year ago, so he was very pleased to have another one from Ravensburger and this one was a lot bigger! The Alphablocks Giant Floor Puzzle has 24 large pieces and is aimed at children from the age of…
Toddler Martial Arts!
Read moreGoodie Bags, Cake and Gorgeous Toddlers in Karate Kits! Since Chunk turned 2 years old, I’ve started to think about hobbies he could get into, but I’ve not had much luck finding many of my preferred ones (street dance and ballet- yes I said BALLET) as they tend to start from age 3 or 4.…
Family Day Out: Hello Kitty World at Drusillas
Read moreI’ve written about our fab experiences at Drusillas before, but now they’ve opened up their Hello Kitty Secret Garden, I wanted to share with you what it’s like! Hello Kitty Ride-On Cars We took the boys (my 2 year old son Chunk and my soon-to-be 3 year old nephew Curly) during the half…
#IBSD14 Guest Post: Natural Therapies For Kids
Read moreI’m taking part in this year’s International Blog Swap Day with Tots100, which involves writing a piece for an Australian blogger, and they return the favour. I was matched with Kris, a blogger with a wealth of knowledge on using natural remedies and therapies to help her toddler, so I wanted her to share it with us……
DIY Mummy & Toddler Pampering: EllaPure skincare products
Read moreLong gone are the spa days, monthly massages, retail shopping days and haircuts I became accustomed to during my pre-baby adult life. Single parenthood + hyperactive toddler + a job + very low funds = no chance of any ‘treats’ for me, and sadly not many for my boy either, so I’ve had to think outside the box to find ways…
Potty Training: The Planning Stage & Picking the Perfect Potty
Read moreAlthough the time is not quite yet upon me for potty training to start, I’m aware of how painstakingly difficult it can be, so have started some of the process now! I’ve done a tiny bit of reading when I’ve had the odd 5 minutes (so you can imagine how little I’ve read!) and have…